Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can I just say how much I love my new job? I know I've mentioned it before, but I never imagined it was possible to enjoy being a mother as much as I do. Maybe he really is the world's greatest baby, maybe we're still in the honeymoon phase, maybe a mother's love really is all its cracked up to be, or maybe this truly is the best job in the whole world.

I love his cute chubby cheeks and chunky chunky thighs. I love how he's starting to really "talk" and be vocal. I love the way he smiles and stares after me after a good feed. I love the warm weight of his body as I rock him back to sleep after a midnight meal. I love how quickly he responds to lullabies and music already. I never could have imagined how such a little man could so utterly steal my heart without even trying.

He's only three months old. And yet it seems like his life and milestones are already whizzing by and I can't hold onto the moments nearly along before he's off conquering the next milestone. We've been practicing tummy time more often of late. The other day while I was watching him he almost rolled over. I couldn't help but squeal. He then looked over at me and I could almost hear him saying "what's the big deal mom, isn't this what I'm supposed to be doing?" So far he's taking everything in stride much better than I am. Today while on his tummy He began to crawl just the tinniest bit. Maybe I was only imagining it but he was definately arching his back up, his little chubby legs were moving, and he moved forwards a few inches. Afterwards he seemed exhausted by the effort. Watching him I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. It was simultaneously swelling with pride watching my son growing and developing, but I couldn't help but be equally sad that he's moving so quickly. Only three short months ago he wasn't even here. And now he's nearly mobile? It's almost too much for this new mom to handle.

Afterwards I turned on some music. A favorite song of mine came on, and I couldn't help but sweep him up in my arms and dance with him in my arms. While he bobbed away in my arms to the upbeat tune, I knew that these moments, THIS moment, was only fleeting. How I wish that I could slow the clock, to savour these moments all the better. But I can't. And so it's my lot to do my best to live each moment with this sweet little soul and savour each delicious moment of hugs, kisses, lullabies, cuddles.

I have a favorite song by a favorite artist. I found it just a week or two after Adam was born and fell in love. Because I love it so much, I'm posting the lyrics below.

"See the creases in your eyes, you don’t know what makes me cry. There’s not always reasons why. Sometimes I just cry. Even if I had the words, if I could write it out in verse, don’t know what it means to hurt, one day I will learn.

Oh I’m just your little one. With wide eyes and blonde hair like the sun. I’ll try to walk, maybe one day run. But till that day comes, I’m just your little one.

I will need you through the years, to shine a light on all my fears. Be with me through fallen tears, I’ll need you through the years.

There will be mistakes sometimes. I’ll get hurt you’ll miss the signs. You’ll feel guilty of a crime, but I will be fine.

Oh I’ll be your little one. Wide eyed with blonde hair like the sun. I’ll learn to walk, and then I’ll run. And I might become, more than your little one

I will go away someday. Dye my hair, you’ll hear me say “I can do it my own way”. I will go away.

I won’t want you to be scared. You should know I’m well prepared. I survived the truth or dare, no don’t you be scared.

I was your little one. Wide eyes and blonde hair like the sun. My walk has turned into a run, and I have become someone."

When he was born I thought he'd be my little one forever.  Already I can see how quickly he'll grow up into my someone. I only hope to be able to help him become the best someone I can.

And of course, here's some goodies

Monday, September 10, 2012

So life has been fairly quiet as of late. Jim's work schedule seems to be beginning to normalize, Adam and I are having fun being best buddies, and we're cringing as we wait for the onslaught of our first real northern Alberta winter. BUT we did go on a little adventure this last weekend!

We love camping. As a kid we would camp throughout the summer and I have so many sweet memories of sleeping in tents under the stars and discovering new places to swim. With this summer having been so nice I was desperate to camp but before Adam's arrival I was too pregnant to pull it off, and afterwards he was too young. But this last weekend was our church congregation's father-son campout, and we decided we couldn't miss it! Being however, that I am unfortunately neither father nor son, we thought it best if we camped as a family somewhere else on the campground and let Adam and Jim enjoy some of the activities. But once we arrived they invited me to stay as Adam's food supply and given that the group site was already paid for...we couldn't find a good reason to say no!

We arrived and set up camp. This was our first time using our new fancy air mattress in our small tent. It only barely fit (and by barely I meant not really), and we ended up having to let out quite a bit of air to fit it inside. This made for some wobbly sleeping later that night. We enjoyed some time around a roaring campfire, watched some little guys practice their fledgling pyrotechnic skills on flaming marshmellows, and then went to bed.

Sleep seems to have come easy only for little Adam. We tried to squeeze him into our sleeping bags, but being that they are mummy shaped...there wasn't much room. So we bundled him tight in some thick blankets, and guess who ended up warmest of all? We each tried to cradle him in at least one arm so one arm was perpetually cold, and that combined with our rather unstable air mattress neither Jim nor I slept much. But we were both fine with it as long as our baby boy was safe and sound.

All in all we had a great time, and Adam survived his first father-son campout!

In other news, sadly the house we are renting from was just sold. So we are once again on the hunt for the perfect rental, in an extremely rental unfriendly market. Everyone keep their fingers crossed for us?

And here are some photo's!

                                                     Baby boy clutching his blanket

Adam last week in his grown up plaid sunday blues!

 Yesterday, looking cute in his Monkey Business outfit