Friday, October 26, 2012

So Apparently We Live in Alberta...

Were you aware that fall in Northern Alberta only lasts about a week? Me either. Apparently winter hits fast and hard. The first weekend of the month I was walking around in flip flops. Later that week I woke up to this

This was of course Adam's first experience with snow, and naturally he was completely entranced. It was too cute watching him just stare and stare, so I snapped a couple shots.

And then we went out for a walk in it to experience full exposure

It did warm up for a bit, but we are now in the thick of snow. It's been snowing to some degree almost constantly for the last 4 days. It now looks like this:

In other news, we continue to plug along. Poor little guy seems to be teething in earnest now. He's developed a runny nose. I'm not sure whether or not to attribute it to teething or the change in weather, so nighttime sleeping has become more challenging. Here's to hoping the teeth come soon! Otherwise, there's not much to report. Jim is well on his way to becoming a bona fide rockstar lawyer, Adam only continues to get cuter, we continue to settle into the new digs, and life is good

Here's a cute video shot a few days ago. For some strange reason, our son has taken an unnatural liking to his father's face. Let me be more eating his father's face. We don't yet understand it, but we do think it's hilarious. Enjoy :)

We've also been working at rolling over. It's not perfect yet, but we're working on it. Here's a little documentation of our efforts. We're so close!

 So there you have it. A little snapshot into our lives at the moment!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wayyy Overdue

Alright so I admit I've been a little behind the 8 ball this last month on the blogging front. BUT in my defense...a lot happened. Mainly a move, and that has consumed most of my time.

So to update. Mid last month we did manage to find a place that suited our needs and was in our price range. We spoke with our then landlord who kindly agreed to let us out of our lease, and we were off to the races. We moved in last Sunday and were overwhelmed by the support we were given by our church family. We had more help than we needed on both ends, and unloading was on a fast Sunday. I wouldn't have dared hope to have had as much help as we did, especially where we'd only just arrived and needed the same help five months ago. We are one lucky family.

In any case, the new place looks like it will do just fine. It's the upper suite of an older house in a more established neighborhood a lot closer to town. The place could use some work, but the price is right and it will do just fine. I'd also forgotten how much I loved seeing the light of day in my home! It also allowed us to stay within the boundries of our old church congregation, which was a huge unexpected plus. We've got almost all of the boxes unpacked and most of the pictures hanging. When we're all settled I'll post some pics.

In other news we enjoyed a lovely little family reunion in Edmonton two weeks ago. It was so wonderful to see so much family and heavenly to have time with my parents and sister. Given that we moved right before Adam was born he hasn't had much time with extended family. That weekend was lovely for a number of reasons, but one was that for the first time I didn't feel the need to hover and watch like a hawk wherever he was. He was passed from cousin to grandma to aunts to uncles, and I knew he was fine, even when I couldn't see him. It was such a nice feeling.

This weekend we were lucky to be able to enjoy General Conference. For those of you reading who might not be familiar, twice a year members of our church gather together to hear the words of our prophet and church leaders. It was beautiful to be able to listen to their inspired words. I always find at the end of the weekend my batteries feel recharged and I feel re-centered.  They speak with such kindness and love, but also such directness. For anyone interested, you can find their talks online in print or video at

It's definitely fall here now. The leaves are virtually all fallen, the temperature is dropping, and most mornings I have to scrape ice off of my car. The're also calling for snow on Wednesday. We're not in Victoria anymore! As a thanksgiving gift Jim's work gave all their employees giant free range turkeys. So tomorrow I embark on the adventure of cooking my first real turkey. Fingers crossed it cooks in good time, and tastes alright. There's no way it will live up to my Dad's standards...but so far from home a girl's got to try. 

Otherwise, we continue to plug along. We miss so many of you and want to wish you all a happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving! Of course, enjoy the Adam photofest below :)

In a cute little surf outfit

                                                       Meeting Teddy while mom packs...

Last minute shot at the family reunion

My handsome Men in the kitchen
Guess what he'll be for Halloween?
 Smiley Lion!
 Ready to get out of this costume!
He was so happy to help pack!

We took him for a fall evening run in the chariot

In the way cute hat our good friend made Adam

My two handsome sleeping men :)