Saturday, May 10, 2014

Still Alive

It's been awhile since my last post. But in all reality it's only because there hasn't been much of anything noteworthy to write about. We've had a few trips home, the snow has finally melted, but otherwise life and our routine keep us fairly occupied without too much excitement. I consider myself to be a bit of a storyteller (a family trait) and without a story...sometimes I feel at a loss.

Jim still really enjoys his job and seems to have struck an easy balance between his work and home life, for which I am grateful. We're all glad to have the articling year behind us and grateful to have landed in a place where Jim feels both appreciated and challenged.

Adam only seems to grow more handsome with each passing day. His talking skills are excellent and he tends to parrot whatever he hears us say. Needless to say, we're finding that we have to be very careful with our words. He hasn't yet realized where he fits into sentences and it always makes us laugh when we say "love you Adam" and we hear him say "love you Adam" right back. He has developed a deep and abiding love for all things junk food and sweets related, and will do just about anything for chocolate (see video above).

We love him to pieces and feel so lucky to have him in our lives. He's also getting more generous with his kisses which is a lovely perk. He loves to interact with other kids, especially any boy a year or two older than him. He thrives on the interaction and someday, if and when we are blessed with more children, we know that he'll make a wonderful brother. 

As for me, the process of defining myself outside of motherhood is a continual one. As lovely as Grande Prairie is, I confess that I find it challenging in ways that I didn't expect. I'm finding more and more that I miss urban centres and the culture, conversation, exchanges and variety they provide. That being said, I've come to love so many people here and I know that we are lucky. There will be a job interview next week, and another position I'm excited to apply for, and some courses in the fall that I'm looking forward to taking and brushing up my skills with. 

We leave for Hawaii later this month and we're pretty excited about spending quality time together with family in paradise.

Until then, we'll just try to keep looking cool in our sunglasses :)