Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rough Days and Smiles

Oh it has been too long. The older he gets, the cuter he gets, and the more demanding he seems to become on my time. The less he also tends to sleep during the day. I'm not whining, but let's just say motherhood was never designed for the faint of heart.

Yesterday was one of those rough days. You know, the kind that one day you'll look back on and compare other rough days too. The kind you're grateful don't come along often.

Yesterday we had a death in the family. My youngest uncle on my fathers side passed away to cancer in his adopted home of Santiago, Chile. It was only diagnosed shortly after Christmas and after what looked like some improvements, he made a dramatic turn for the worse and passed away at home while my dad was in the air on his way to say goodbye. I know that death is at some point inevitable for all of  us. I know that Jacob was a good man who had lived a rich life. But it doesn't make saying goodbye easy and my heart breaks for the loss of a man who was called home to soon. He was the youngest of 6 and only 49. I keep thinking of my baby brother and if it were him. Even in 33 years, that would just never be ok. He's our baby brother.

So today, and likely for the next few days, our hearts are feeling heavy. But it's times like this that one can't help but search for comfort. And I find mine in the knowledge that families can be together forever, and as much as I still wish he were here, it takes the sting of death away. In our religion we believe that through certain sacred ordinances families can be sealed forever together. Both on earth, and in the next life. Here's a little illustration


But there's so much more to report than just the sad. There's a lot of good too. Winter in Northern Alberta seems to be allowing us a peak into spring, and it's lovely to feel even just a little bit of warmth. Next month I get to go home with baby Adam and see my family, and say goodbye to my sister who will be leaving on an 18 month mission for our church in Montreal. I've signed up for a half marathon in August that I'm really excited about, and there's good things to be seen and witnessed all around.

Adam remains the joy of our existence. He is learning and growing so very fast. I can't slow it down no matter how hard I try. He's so little and already I can see habits forming and parts of his personality emerging. How I wish and want so badly to know just how to teach him and mold him into being a good man. How to set boundaries, how to teach him to be resilient without being too tough, how to be compassionate without being a wimp, how to be decisive without being bossy, how to be gentle, and understanding, and loving. I know that this will prove to be the challenge of my lifetime. It's so terrifying to be responsible for this little spirit.

I realize this might be a heavier post than usual, but it's where I am today. Please enjoy the extravaganza of photos and videos below :)

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