Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy New Year I Guess

It feels like it's been too long since I last blogged, which can only mean it's time for an update.

We have moved in to the house! While it's giving us a run for our money (two basement floods in the span of a month) we can still say we love it. We're just telling ourselves that it's working out it's kinks on us now. At least, I really hope so. Adding photos is on my list of things to do but in all honesty I just haven't gotten there yet.

We went home for Christmas again this year and spent Christmas itself with Jim's family on the lower mainland and New Year's with mine on the island. It was wonderful to be with family and especially heartwarming to see Adam interact with his cousins. At the time he was the youngest in the family (not anymore thanks to baby Mea) and so he was a little hesitant at first. He quickly gained in confidence however and by the time we left was happily tackling his older cousins and jumping in whenever and wherever a wrestling match broke out.

New Years on the mountain was lovely, but much quieter this year with both my sister Becky and brother Logan away serving missions for our church. But being home always carries with it its own special brand of magic and it was a gift to spend time with those I love. Adam and his grandpa have their own special bond (poor Grandma, Grandpa seems to be his preferred grandparent). Here's a cute video of them doing their thing. Adam has recently become enamoured with pouring glasses of water down the sink. As evidenced below.
He also has a love affair with shoes and will attempt to wear anyone's but his own. Here he is as his charming self.

He is all boy. He loves to run, jump, play with trucks and watch Thomas the Tank Engine (otherwise known as Tub Tub). He gives kisses, has a wildly expanding vocabulary, and continues to grow and progress at a shocking and disturbing rate. His wildness is only matched by our equally wild love for him.

As lovely as it's been to be settling into our new digs, the last few months haven't been easy. In fact, I would even say that they've been decidedly UN easy. Even hard. Faith is a muscle that strengthens with practice and weakens without it. Of late I think I've become a little too comfortable and haven't practiced the muscle as much as I should and I'm finding cause now to use it again. It's an uncomfortable process, much like whipping an out of shape body into competitive shape. And yet, through the good and the bad there is an incredible comfort that comes in knowing that I am not alone. God and His son have not left me comfortless, even when I've been spitting angry with them. There is incredible comfort in knowing I am not alone and that there will always be a shoulder to lean on, whether or not I've earned it and whether or not I have all the answers.

Life is good though and we have much to be grateful for. I'm trying to find gratitude for all of the experiences, good and bad. I have a long way to go.

It's getting late so we'll wrap it up for now, but here's a highlights reel of the last few months.

We had our own mini Christmas before leaving to go home. Here was Adam testing out his new gift

Chilling with Uncle Seamus on the surfboard swing

Adam fell in love with his cousin Gabe and Gabe was so good with him. Here Gabe is teaching Adam how to colour, Adam couldn't get enough of it

He found his dad's swimming goggles and was being such a cute goof

He fell asleep on a short drive to walmart. I had to wake him up, he thought he would try and continue the nap in the cart

After church he was exhausted and fell asleep on the last minute of the drive home. Knowing he would sleep better with a little lunch we tried to wake him up and feed home some peanut butter on toast. He took two bites and then literally fell asleep mid bite

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