Friday, October 26, 2012

So Apparently We Live in Alberta...

Were you aware that fall in Northern Alberta only lasts about a week? Me either. Apparently winter hits fast and hard. The first weekend of the month I was walking around in flip flops. Later that week I woke up to this

This was of course Adam's first experience with snow, and naturally he was completely entranced. It was too cute watching him just stare and stare, so I snapped a couple shots.

And then we went out for a walk in it to experience full exposure

It did warm up for a bit, but we are now in the thick of snow. It's been snowing to some degree almost constantly for the last 4 days. It now looks like this:

In other news, we continue to plug along. Poor little guy seems to be teething in earnest now. He's developed a runny nose. I'm not sure whether or not to attribute it to teething or the change in weather, so nighttime sleeping has become more challenging. Here's to hoping the teeth come soon! Otherwise, there's not much to report. Jim is well on his way to becoming a bona fide rockstar lawyer, Adam only continues to get cuter, we continue to settle into the new digs, and life is good

Here's a cute video shot a few days ago. For some strange reason, our son has taken an unnatural liking to his father's face. Let me be more eating his father's face. We don't yet understand it, but we do think it's hilarious. Enjoy :)

We've also been working at rolling over. It's not perfect yet, but we're working on it. Here's a little documentation of our efforts. We're so close!

 So there you have it. A little snapshot into our lives at the moment!


  1. Welcome to Alberta! Here the seasons are....winter...a brief reprise of spring...and short version of summer a very brief fall and then back to winter! Adam looks pretty thrilled with the snow, so maybe he will be an Albertan at heart...loving the now and all!
