Friday, May 12, 2017

Overheard in the Pool

A few weeks ago a girlfriend and I took our boys to the pool. We both have two that are about the same age, and generally they play pretty well together. The big ones had life jackets on and were motoring around and so we were mostly focused on the littlest two. After a few minutes however, it became apparent that some significant tension had arisen between the two older boys.

Curious, as mom's we investigated. This is my first real foray into the overactive imaginations of preschoolers.

Me: "Adam, what's wrong man?"

Adam: "He stole it! He stole my imaginary treasure!"

Me: "huh? Where did he put it?"

Adam: "I don't know, but he took it and it's gone and I'm REALLY MAD AT HIM!"

Me, with a brilliant idea: "Oh no. But good news Adam, I got it for you right here". I hold up empty hands.

Adam: Eyes as big as saucers, utter surprise on his face "YOU STOLE IT BACK?"

Me: Uh huh. Just for you buddy.

Moments later, the other boy is shouting: "Adam thinks he has the treasure back, BUT HE DOESN'T!!!!".

Well that was fun.

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